

chick..chick..chick..very chicky for April


wah..dah lame rasenye tk berblog..ape cer sume??alhamdulilah..semoga semua sihat sejahtera di samping keluarga tercinta dan orang yg tersayang..after almost full solid month of missing, aku kembali dgn nafas baru..hampir 3 minggu terlantar di rumah kerana di'diagnose' 'chicken-pox'..pada awalnye hanya itu yg diberitahu oleh Dr di sebuah klinik di Puncak Alam..okelah, lgpun aku mmg tk pnh kene dari kecik..haha..yes..akhirnya dpt ckp kene time-time dah besar ni bahaya..boleh aku redha dgn segala ketentuan-Nya. Macam2 ubat jgk la yg dimakan plus losyen 'calamine' utk disapukan pada parut. after 3 weeks, parut2 td masih tidak menunjukkan sebarang tanda2 nak baik..dlm hatiku.."sudah lah aku..kalo melarat jgk mcm mane..dah tntu kene MC lg lame.."..mcm mane ngn keje aku kat office n of course THESIS aku..haa..

So, last day of MC which is on 29th April, last Jumaat..the Dr kat klinik nearest to my house in USJ telah mengeluarkan surat rujukan utk aku refer ke any hospital..precisely to best kene g hospital.."dh teruk sgt ke chicken-pox aku ni.." So ptg tu aku bertemankan one of my closest cousin went to DEMC utk jmp specialist..unfortunantely, the 'special one' tu takde disebabkan half day..i only can meet the Dr on Tuesday plg awl..the date given by the receptionist at my terms, this is not so cool memandangkan keadaan ak yg semakin worse..aku nekad cari another kirelah 'gomen' or 'private' ke..aslkan cepat baik..finally, dpt Sime Darby Medical Centre..also known as SJMC..only for walk in appointment with the dermatologist keesokan harinya..

Alhamdulilah..after a daring meeting with her..she had diagnosed that my unhealthy scar was made of 'discoide eczema'..yes..alahan or gatal in very bad way..cause by many reasons..according to disease is cause by food allergence or STRESS..what?yes..because of stress..she asked me wether i have been disturbed by this kind of causes..but i deny it by claiming i have a good and happy life before this and certainly i dun have allergy to any kind of food and dishes..what about sleep..?errrr..yes because obviously my problem is to sleep in suitable time aka having enough and undisturbed that is why my skin did not responded to the medicine and getting worse..

Alhamdulilah, after a several day of 'drugs'..the scar at the skin shows improvement and i can go to sleep with a happy heart..good sleep..cut off anything related to seafood..and dun stress..InsyAllah..

Hopefully, i can go to work again tomorrow as usual even tough i still got several days of MC at home..

wedding time..the last..

Sape lg macho..pengapit or pengantin..dah tentu pengapit la..thanx to lovely partner..

Akhirnya tiba lah hari yang dinanti2 iaitu tanggal 13 Mac 2011..hari persandingan kedua atau 'hari menyambut menantu' kata org di sebelah pantai timur..

Beberapa jam sebelum pengantin tiba, ahli2 keluarga Suteh Long (keluarga moyang ku) telah bertungkus lumus menyiapkan segala lauk pauk serta keperluan pada hari esok nya krn kami tidak menggunakan khidmat katering. segala juadah disediakan oleh semua cucu cicit keluarga Suteh Long sendiri di bahagian belakang rumah nenda. Diketuai oleh Pak Andak dan koncu2, terdapat pelbagai juadah disediakan utk menyambut kedatangan pengantin perempuan..namun pada malam sebelumnye kami bergotong royong menyediakan sedikit juadah utk 'Org2 masjid dan jiran2 tetangga' yg dtg utk melakukan sedikit 'Bacaan Doa selamat' tanda kesyukuran kami kpd Allah yg telah memberkati majlis kami sehingga ke saatnya. Pada mulanya aku agak kekok utk berada bersama org2 dapur kerana aku tidak terlalu kenal dgn keluarga sebelah ibuku ini..namun mereka lah yg tidak sedikit berasa janggal. aku jg tidak melepaskan peluang utk mengenali mereka dgn lebih rapat..itulah semagat yg kite mahu kan..aku juga turut diberikan peluang utk menyediakan salah satu kawah utk lauk 'dalca dan paceri'..sungguh la teruja kerana pertama kali masak utk ramai org..alhamdulilah..semuanya berakhir pd jam 2 pagi..namun ketua chef mengingatkan utk menjaga kawah2 lauk pauk kerana dia mula berasa sangsi dgn keselamatan kawahan tersebut..mmg benar..ketika jam sudah melabuh ke jam di dapur mula dikejutkan dgn keadaan yg pelik pada beberapa 'kawah'. ada di antara nya telah menunjukkan tanda2 seperti basi dan buih2 seperti air mendidih perlahan2 timbul sedangkan api sudah lama dimatikan..ape sebbnya..hanya Allah sahaja yg mengetahui-Nya..kami berdoa utk segala nya berjalan lancar utk hari esok.

Alhamdulillah..segalanya berjalan lancar..aku bangun mengejutkan Paksu ku yg tdr disebelahku. Hari ni dia nak naik pelamin..aku pun tp jadi pengapit sahaja. Paksu memberi aku sepersalinan baju melayu bewarna coklat tetapi bertukar di saat-saat akhir kerana Iera, pengapit perempuan tidak mempunyai baju yg bewarna sama..jadi kami membuat keputusan utk memilih warna cream seperti di atas..

Segalanya selesai pada jam 5 ptg dan kami kepenatan kerana tidak cukup tidur dan rehat. walau bagaimanapun semuanya puas dgn segalanya dari dapur sehingga ke sanak saudara yg dtg..semuanya berjalan lancar..Alhamdulilah..selepas asar aku dan cucu cicit Suteh Long bergotong royong sekali lagi utk membasuh segala periuk belanga di dapur..haha..paling best pengantin la..diorg mmg kne buli menggosok dan menyental periuk belanga sehingga putih..pada malamnya, selepas isyak aku mula mengemas bag utk pulang kerana tidak mendapat cuti..selepas bersalaman dgn seluruh ahli keluarga, aku pulang seorg diri tanpa ina kerana dia akn pulang hari berikutnya..walaupun penat, aku berasakan pengalaman yg tak akan ku lupakan sepanjang hidupku kerana dpt menjayakan majlis perkahwinan ini dengan penuh semagat muhibah dan gotong royong antara seluruh ahli keluarga cucu cicit Suteh Long.

Semoga ikatan ukhuwah antara kami sekeluarga tidak akan terputus dan bertambah erat..insyAllah..


wedding time..part 2

masih tak terlamabat nak wishkan SELAMAT PENGANTIN BARU kepada Paksu Nadzry ku dan juga Maksu yg telah menamatkan zaman bujang mereka pada 12 Mac 2011 yang lalu..semoga Allah merahmati dan memberkati perkahwinan mereka, semoga berbahagia sehingga ke akhir hayat..insyAllah..

Sabtu, 12 Mac 2011..pagi jam 7..its still early in the morning but my eyes are already open indicates that something will happen today..yes..its a solemnization day of my beloved uncle (dari belah arwah mama) that is going to be in 4 hours about 11 oclock in the morning. majlis diadakan di rumah pengantin perempuan sendiri iaitu di Simpang Renggam kira-kira 1 setengah jam perjalanan dari Kg Sg Mati. Rombongan pengantin lelaki seramai 20 orang dari 4 buah kenderaan bertolak pd jam 9 pagi..tiba kami disambut mesra oleh keluarga belah perempuan tepat jam 1030 pagi..

As usual, the handsome pengantin n pengapit (me of course) anxious to be in front of the whole audience dengan pakaian yg cukup ..the akad and nikah ceremony were done cpmletely at about 1 hour a gloomy but happy mode..Alhamdulilah..segala nya disempurnakan sehingga ke akhirnya..sunnah Rasulullah telah disempurnakan oleh bapa pengantin perempuan berwakil wali kan kepada Jurunikah yg dijemput keluarga mereka. the dishes was really good and sedap ditambah pulak dgn kami yg mmg tgh kelaparan..selesai makan, tktau plak nak ke mane disebabkan salah fhm antara kedua dua pihak..mujur segala kerumitan dpt diatasi dgn baik dengan kesefahaman keluarga kedua2 mempelai..alhamdulilah..

Aku dan Nadzry bersiap utk kenduri pd ptg itu di rumah sepupu pengantin perempuan manakala rombongan kami selebihnya berehat di surau berdekatan utk solat zohor dan sebagainya.. tepat jam 230 ptg, kami mula berkumpul utk berarak ke rumah pengantin perempuan sekali lagi utk upacara persandingan. kelihatan rmai sanak saudara, rakan taulan, serta jiran jiran dan penduduk kampung dtg beramai ke rumah pengantin utk melihat sendiri upacara persandingan bertimbun2 kat dpn kami..mcm artis pn ade..
kami diiringi paluan kompang dan selawat..
sesampai di dpn umah pengantin..satu benda yg aku blja bile bertandang ke rumah pengantin di johor ni.."TOL"..haha..tugas ni sepatutnya diuruskan oleh pengapit mcm sbb baru 1st kene la di "touch n go" kan oleh tok lang ku yg lebih arif..hehe..dia cuma ckp .."ape la ko ni..hehe..".."malu je jd org johor"..dah mmg aku bkn org johor pun..haha..good experience for me..
seterusnya upacara menepung tawar oleh keluarga dari kedua 2 belah dan sesi fotografi..biase la tu..tangkap2 gambar..wajib dalam perkahwinan zmn moden ni..tak sah..mst at least abis ribu riban jgk kat fotografi..seterusnya upacara 'makan biadap' silap..'makan beradap'..utk kedua2 mempelai yg dilayan bak raja..sehari je!

 Paksu Nadzry dan pengapit (aku)

Kami selesai semuanya dalam jam 4 dan mula bertolak blk ke Muar utk membuat persiapan bg menyambut kdtgan pengntin perempuan pula..

to be continue..

20.3.11 time PART 1..

hate to say this but the past weekend gave me a lot of thoughts to remember..

i was the one who really 'not into' the wedding time..sorry frens..the fact that i really enjoy all the 'rare-dishes' cooked such as 'nasi minyak', 'nasi beriani', 'ayam masak merah', 'daging gulai kawah', 'dalca' and many more traditional dishes that i accidentally involved during its preparation.

it was a memorable experience to get involved in the 'kampung wedding' fever..huu..basically i was the man in charge..'multi-tasking' job..from 'pengapit' to 'rewang-man'..'geng masak' and lastly 'tukang cuci'..yang mula2 ngn last tu yg paling 'pengapit' penat pun tp ttp plg best..kerana adanya 'seseorang' yg telah mengurangkan kepanasan dan menyejukkan keadaan..alhamdulilah..she is gorgeous, marvellous, responsible and loving..

i went back to kampung in Batu 81/2 Kg. Bukit Kangkar, Sungai Mati, Muar on Friday evening together with my sister, Areena. It was a tiring day instead..i have to wake up early that day to invigilate my students' final examination and after Jumaat, with minimize rest, i have to drive for 2 one time rasa mcm bwk kete mcm org mabuk..terhuyung-hayang..last2 ena (areena) bukak mister potato baru lah cerah blk 6 o'clock, we arrived at kampung..and disambut oleh semua relatives..nice moments to share..

to be continue..


counting days..

11.40 pm..monday..March 3,2011..its raining now here in PALAM and sometimes it falls like there is no stop..cats and dogs with sometimes lightning strike heard in between..
i juz got a message from one of my gud friend that she is going to get engage with her bf soon..Alhamdulilah..there is no gud news as compare to this one though far deep in my heart whispering that i was in a phase of 'marriage' now..fuhhhh..a lot of words begging and clinging to my feeling knowing that i am not the old me who can just laugh and smile to people when asking to this, but i am one of the 'sweetest heart' of the family..the fact is i am no longer can be in a 'single-league' perhaps should be settling down..the question is who am i to marry soon..?i am not the perfect guy who can easily get what they want in finding the right person to share their life..what should i do when dealing with my 'future-wife'..?sometimes its kinda stress to think that i am still single and not attach to anybody..maybe is a message from Allah that Knows everything..Allah the being me, is a relieved to know that i have a lot of things to settle before entering into the marriage phase including most probably my studies, Arwah mama's Amanah Raya, and of course the existing family that still not in harmony mode..InsyAllah..there is a light at the end of the tunnel..i believe in Allah's all already written..just counting the days..

Oh Allah, guide me to the right path..


hi all,

we just finished the 1st monday in March working means that there are thousands of tonnes of work load had to be settle in this third months of 2011..huuuuuushhh..tak baik mengeluh panjang..bersabar la..all i need is just the determination and hardwork with also from the blessing of Allah..Most Gracious, Most Merciful..Please SHINE me with Your mercy and grace..InsyAllah..

an 'semesterly' meeting of academic this morning are not just glimmering with already made NASI LEMAK for breakfast..hehe..sebelum meeting mst makan dulu maa..kan keje G***N..hehe..although me and M***T were late to the breakfast..we still can catch them up by quickly installed the dish..Alhamdulilah..
it also highlighting some of the favorite news that already spread throughout the A***I world..which a move to BERTAM..haa..??luckily i am not involved even though we may volunteer ourselves to go to that place..PENANG..haha..bln 4 ni baru nk 'backpack' ke sana..wait for that entry..


deserved a LOSS

a great warm weekend ends with a 'deserved loss' to the club that placed appoximately at Anfield Road..sigh..

Glory,Glory Man Utd was stunned by magical performance by the opponents and their very loyal crowd..the crowd that never ever leave them even knowing their chances of winning BPL are already gone. This win should embark their chances to gain spot to UCL next season providing no more losses to "bottom team" ..Good luck to them..You'll Always Walk Alone..

Red Devils tonight in this match look very fragile and grumpy..the back four look not consistent and sometimes tend to give away the ball to the opponents..SAF, you should replace Scholes to better and fresh mid in order to open the game to Rooney or even pitty looking to Beba with his 'lazyness'..a couple months ago at OT, he was stunning with hat-trick..but tonight..the magic was gone..Nani, we really miss u a lot..after u have knock by Carragher.. i dun think he deserved only shud stretly red n the game will difinitely be different..draw with the captain, Vidic..Smalling is still strugling at the back and doesn't enough composure to take the back four as the last defensive week..we will take on another tital rival, "gunners" which was held to draw by "sunderland" at home last nite..but in FA Cup QF at OT..




Sunday morning rain is falling
Steal some covers share some skin
Clouds are shrouding us in moments unforgettable
You twist to fit the mold that I am in
But things just get so crazy living life gets hard to do
And I would gladly hit the road get up and go if I knew
That someday it would bring me back to you
That someday it would bring me back to you

That may be all I need
In darkness she is all I see
Come and rest your bones with me
Driving slow on sunday morning
And I never want to leave

Fingers trace your every outline
Paint a picture with my hands
Back and forth we sway like branches in a storm
Change the weather still together when it ends

That may be all I need
In darkness she is all I see
Come and rest your bones with me
Driving slow on sunday morning
And I never want to leave

But things just get so crazy living life gets hard to do
Sunday morning rain is falling and I’m calling out to you
Singing someday it’ll bring me back to you
Find a way to bring myself home to you

And you may not know
That may be all I need
In darkness she is all I see
Come and rest your bones with me
Driving slow? 

Drive fast is not an option..considering you are late to class or nature's call..
don't exceed the speed limit..kene saman nnt korang jgk kene beratur panjang2 kat kaunter2 pembayaran p***s smp P**M kene extend dateline..

p/s jangan bgn lewat until u r combining breakfast and lunch..

sweet day of Mr F

susah nak bayangkan "Asasi Prodigy" will come to an end in about 3 weeks time..21 days..its all about finishing what they are achive in becoming what they want it to be..of course its a final examination days..ALL THE BEST TO ALL OF YOU..

i have a lot f memory with them that can't never been replaced by anything except Allah's will..insyAllah i will share some of those memories that will keep me alive and stronger to become the greatest tutors of all time..