

sahabat, teman, cinta

Di sini ia bermula..

kau ada di kala ku suka
Dikala ku duka
setiap tangisan dan juga ketawa
Kau ada dikala ku perlu
setia menemaniku
Pegang erat tanganku bila aku jatuh

Kau lah yang selalu
Selalu menemaniku
Mendengar kisah pahit manis
Hidup ku
Kau lah yang di situ
Setia menunggu ku
Kau lah yang Menjadi.. 

me =)


chick..chick..chick..very chicky for April


wah..dah lame rasenye tk berblog..ape cer sume??alhamdulilah..semoga semua sihat sejahtera di samping keluarga tercinta dan orang yg tersayang..after almost full solid month of missing, aku kembali dgn nafas baru..hampir 3 minggu terlantar di rumah kerana di'diagnose' 'chicken-pox'..pada awalnye hanya itu yg diberitahu oleh Dr di sebuah klinik di Puncak Alam..okelah, lgpun aku mmg tk pnh kene dari kecik..haha..yes..akhirnya dpt ckp kene time-time dah besar ni bahaya..boleh aku redha dgn segala ketentuan-Nya. Macam2 ubat jgk la yg dimakan plus losyen 'calamine' utk disapukan pada parut. after 3 weeks, parut2 td masih tidak menunjukkan sebarang tanda2 nak baik..dlm hatiku.."sudah lah aku..kalo melarat jgk mcm mane..dah tntu kene MC lg lame.."..mcm mane ngn keje aku kat office n of course THESIS aku..haa..

So, last day of MC which is on 29th April, last Jumaat..the Dr kat klinik nearest to my house in USJ telah mengeluarkan surat rujukan utk aku refer ke any hospital..precisely to best kene g hospital.."dh teruk sgt ke chicken-pox aku ni.." So ptg tu aku bertemankan one of my closest cousin went to DEMC utk jmp specialist..unfortunantely, the 'special one' tu takde disebabkan half day..i only can meet the Dr on Tuesday plg awl..the date given by the receptionist at my terms, this is not so cool memandangkan keadaan ak yg semakin worse..aku nekad cari another kirelah 'gomen' or 'private' ke..aslkan cepat baik..finally, dpt Sime Darby Medical Centre..also known as SJMC..only for walk in appointment with the dermatologist keesokan harinya..

Alhamdulilah..after a daring meeting with her..she had diagnosed that my unhealthy scar was made of 'discoide eczema'..yes..alahan or gatal in very bad way..cause by many reasons..according to disease is cause by food allergence or STRESS..what?yes..because of stress..she asked me wether i have been disturbed by this kind of causes..but i deny it by claiming i have a good and happy life before this and certainly i dun have allergy to any kind of food and dishes..what about sleep..?errrr..yes because obviously my problem is to sleep in suitable time aka having enough and undisturbed that is why my skin did not responded to the medicine and getting worse..

Alhamdulilah, after a several day of 'drugs'..the scar at the skin shows improvement and i can go to sleep with a happy heart..good sleep..cut off anything related to seafood..and dun stress..InsyAllah..

Hopefully, i can go to work again tomorrow as usual even tough i still got several days of MC at home..